Initial setup of Vtiger and connecting a form to WordPress for leads generation and capture

November 27, 2014 4:07 pm Published by Comments Off on Initial setup of Vtiger and connecting a form to WordPress for leads generation and capture

If you are developing for a client that requires webforms or CRM software then the Vtiger plugin would be most suitable.


After your installation is complete, activate the plugin and sign into your vtiger homepage and fill out requested information the page requires. You will need to fill out the relevant details needed in the WPTiger Settings in your WordPress admin to begin.

To find the vtiger access key, locate to your vtiger online homepage, e.g ( > Administrator > My Preferences . At the bottom of the page under User Advanced Options, you will come across the access key.

After you have filled out all relevant details for the vtiger settings, tested the database connection and vtiger credentials, you can now start placing forms on the pages you desire.

By clicking on ‘Lead Form Fields‘, this will allow you to choose the fields you wish to display. After you have selected the fields you wish to show, you can copy and paste the short code [display_contact_page] into the page/post you wish for it to be displayed in.

In order to make your leads visible through your vtiger homepage or manage different modules, you can locate to: ( > (cogwheel icon) > CRM Settings > Modules. 

By ticking Leads this will appear as an option in the navigation of your online vtiger page. Each of the capture forms that have been submitted should now appear under this option.    

For more options and advanced features, VTiger Webforms Generator Pro is now available.

Upgrade to Pro

Categorised in: Wordpress

This post was written by Nearly Done